Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Etsy Featured Shop: Crafted Love

Us artists have a curious mind.  And a curious mind leads us to the most unexpected paths.

Take my dear friend Allison, from Crafted Love.  She is an architect student, photographer, graphic designer, and crafter.  Ufff... she's definitely busy.  Did she say photographer? I had to ask.

 She shared some of her photography, and I was pleasantly surprised.  Spontaneous and crisp, the pictures told a story.

If you look close enough you'll be able to see her reflection on his sunglasses.  This portrait definitely holds potential for future photographic development.

As with her photography, her craft has a simple yet refined appearance that attracts customers time and time again.

Feel free to visit her store and browse the beautiful items she creates.  I'm sure you'll find a little something that will suit you beautifully.

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